CV MITRA LASER Jual Total Station Spectra Fokus 6

Jalan Inpres 18, Gg. Makam, Komplek Sabar Ganda No. 11 Tangerang Selatan, Larangan
  • Rp 68.700.000
FOCUS 6+ Series
The Spectra Precision FOCUS 6+ Series is a new range of tough, water resistant, and ultra-portable mechanical total stations. Available in 2 and 5 models, the Spectra Precision FOCUS 6+ Series offers superior quality optics and dependability, making them ideal for a variety of surveying applications.

2" and 5" angle accuracy
Affordable Total Station
Accurate distances and stable angles
Up to 500 m (1,640 ft) reflectorless measurement1
Tough and reliable
On-board data collection
All-weather construction
Long battery life
Bluetooth communication to data collector

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Roni Zayini
M :

Jl. Inpres 18, Gg. Makam, Komplek Sabar Ganda No. 11 Tangerang Selatan
Dilihat 62 kali
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